Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nha Tang

In the year 2001 an artist by the name of Nha Trang filmed a 13 minute video of six Viatnamese fishermen pulling richskaws across the bottom of the Souteast coast of Vietnam. Actors were not hired for this event, actual fisherman participated in this film, the fact that the struggle under water is all real heightens every minute of the film. This film also consist of ambient electronic sounds of flutes and bells.

The unique and weird film symbolizes the hard and difficult lives that the majority of the Vietnam society live . The harsh, task of dragging the rickshaws across the sea bed represents the burden of the past in modenization and as the fisherman come up for air, he only does this bcause he must in order to over come obstacles he faces. Progress underwater is very slow due to the weight of the rickshaw and the friction of the water which could symbolize the Viatnamese people's hard battle to live their lives, progress is being made but at a slow pace. The fisherman's faces still remain calm underwater until they need air this symbolize that these people can live naturally under these harsh conditions until conditions are so bad that they have to take action by push there physical limitations. Then at the end of the film the fishermen are forced to leave the richshaws at the bottom of the ocean and swim together to the surface, which could symbolize the economy and conditions have become so bad that the Viatnamese people cannot survive therefore only means of survival is to immigrate to a more prosperous and fruitful land. This can only be done by working together to over come obsticles like the harsh conditions.

The idea behind this film connects to the subject of the 'enlightenment' through how 'enlightenment' is a combination of ideas used to push boundaries of how people think and progress in evolution. Where the idea of the Vietnamese people, being pushed to there limit of survival under the harsh social and economical conditions are forced to progress in order to survive.

The title 'Towards the complex - For the Courageous, the Curious and the Cowards reflects Nha Trang's intentions because his film explores themes of survival and progress. In order for the Vietnamse people to survive and proegress they needed to be curious in having new ideas of moving to survive, they also needed courage to take action to progress and to be a coward is to never step outside your circle and in not taking a risk in progressing you will not progress and survival will become weak and there will be no evolution.

Claude Monet

Industrial Revolution can be defined as the period between the 18th and 19th century where the progress in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a big effect on social economic and cultural conditions through machine based manfacturing in Europe. Industralism was the continuous spread of Industrial Revolution all over the world in the 19th century.

2. Research Monet's painting 'Impression Sunrise' (1873) to analyze the work in relation to Industrialisation.

In the 18th-19th century an artist by the name of Claude Monet and other painters developed a new method of painting known as Impressionism by contemporaries. Monet's painting 'Impression Sunrise' (1873) is a great example of this particular painting technique. By using fluttery brush strokes to blur images and quick distinctive brush strokes with the smart use of light makes the sunrise more alive and brings the painting to life. The industrial revolution and impressionist painting era begun around the same time in the 18th-19th century and both had positive effects on society where the science of both era's progressed society economically and culturally.

3. Olafur Eliasson's Weather Project' (2006) is a contemporary work that relates to Monet's

Research the project to identify the artist's intentions, as well as the site (space or venue) chosen for the project, to provide depth for your answer

Olafur Eliasson is another artist who explores the themes of light spectrum to bring his works to life. Olafur's work the 'weather project', this work is located London's tate modern, this piece uses a humidifiers to create a fine mist, aswell as a semi circular disk made of hundreds of monochromatic lamos, which illuminate frequencies of yellow light. Unlike Monet's landscape paintings Eliasson's work covers a large area (turbine hall) but like Monet's landscape paintings the use of light and mist visually gives the works depth in bring the works to life by using unique and new methods of creating art. Eliasson's key intention was to make the visitors the subject of the work bringing to work to life, while looking up into the mirror on the ceiling there reflections were blurred due to the colored mist from the humidifiers. The half gave the hall depth and prespective.

Richard Misrach's photography

1. The enlightenement is a combination of ideas, values, facts and principles which work together to provide a better perspective of the natural and social world. The age os enlightenment in the western era of philosophy and intellectual, scientific and cultural life is centred upon the 18th century.

2. The sublime is where an author or artist expresses them selves through their work affecting the way one may percieve something by it overpowering beauty and its effect of awe it may have on them.

3. The enlightenment is a concept of a set of ideas used to progress mankind. The element of the sublime progresses mankind through its power to affect the way mankind may percieve things opening their minds to better ways of solving problems or changing there perspective on life.

4. Matter is anything with mass, the substance of all physuical objects. Misrach's photos are very beautiful and enchanting. His photos of our earth may make us think twice before littering or doing anythig harmful to our planet. His works shows off how beautiful and powerful the earth is and how abusing the earth is wrong.

5. Jim Dine, Dieter Appelt, Richard Anderson, David Byrne and Shilpa Gupta are a few artists that work around the idea of sublime.

6. Misrach's powerful photographs inspire me to be more conscious of our earth. All his works overwhelm me with a feeling of awe.

Tony Oursler

Tony Oursler is a well known American artist famous for his works with New Media. Oursler's work is very experimental and innovative working with Video mediums, Tony uses projections not only on uniform objects but he also projects images on to different things such as balls, dolls, and other surfaces like tree tops and steam. This unique style of art is a combination of different elements like spoken txt, moving images, and sculpture. Tony's works are based around the human head focusing on the head as the centre of the human conscious. These themes explore the connections and flow between elements such as light, smoke, thoughts, impulse, language, voice and many more.

The enlightenment is a set if different ideas, values, principles and facts that compliment each other to give a better perspective of both the natural, commercial and social worlds. This is also known as 'paradigma'. A couple of elements may seem different and inconsitent due to intellectual movements attracting many people with different questions that connect through similar ideas. Like the enlightenment, Ourseler works around a combination of different materials, media's and ideas to provide a perspective of the human head being the centre of consciousness.

The concepts of enlightenment apply to Ourselr's work in many ways. The concept of science is mankind evolving and progressing through scientific knowledge and exploring new frontiers with experimental methods, where science is the key element in revolution. Tony has been a pioneer in the art world with his very different and experimental methods of projecting New Media. He has changed the art world with his unique style of video projections. By using combinations of media with his inconsistent ideas of being the first known artist to use projections on non uniform elemtents like steam and tree tops. Tony has made progress in the art world with his experimental and innovative artistic evolution. Individualism also applies to Tony. Individualism is the idea where a single person is the first to confirm new ideas, actions or new ways of doing things. Tony was a pioneer and starting point for this new style of New Media projections. These works also underpin the concept of progress, where progress is the improvement of humans socially and naturally. By exploring the themes and awe, Oursler's works may change the way we perceive life in general and may use the video art as inspiration to better themselves. All concepts lead to the idea of progress and evolution in the art world.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

2003)'Tender' (2003-05)Fiona Hall's contemporary work relates to the Renaissance concept of Mercantillism.Research the two examples; 'Tender'(2003-05) and 'Leaf Litter'(1999-2003) to explain how they relate to this concept. First define mercantillism and explain how it has developed since the Renaissance. For each work you will need to describe the shape, form and materials of the work, and explain the ideas behind each example.These works were part of an art show titled 'Force Field' which can be viewed in one of the exhibition spaces on Youtube - Part Three: Fiona Hall: Force Field.

Leaf Litter' (1999-2003)'Tender' (2003-05)