Week Two - Auckland Triennial 2010
Mahmoud Bakhshi, Tulips Rise from the Blood of the Nation's Youth, 2008,
neon, tin, wood, plastic, electric engines, courtesy of the artist and
Khastoo Gallery, Los Angeles
'Last Ride in a Hot Air Balloon' is the title for the 2010 4th Auckland triennial
which is on show from 12 March - 20 June. Watch the video of the curator,
Natasha Conland discussing the art show.
Youtube conland348. MP4
Use the information from the video and
on the Triennial website to answer the following questions;
1.What are the themes behind the title "Last ride...' for the Auckland triennial?
2. What does a curator of an exhibition do?
3. Which countries are represented in this year's triennial?
4. Is Auckland the only country to have a triennial? Are there other similar art shows?
5. Name 4 artists who will be showing work in the show.
6. Select an artist's work from the website, copy the work to your blog and write a short
comment on what the work is, and what it represents.(Reference your sources)
7. Comment on why you find this work interesting, how does it relate to your own interests?
Students doing the commentary should comment on their partners answers, and answer questions 6 and 7.